Fascinating Women

Angela Bain - Single mom - Personal trainer Hairdresser - Yoga

Angela Bain Season 6 Episode 2

This episode is sponsored by http://InnerSpiritPhoto.com Create your story with them.

Dive into the life of Angela Bain, a woman whose journey from a young hairdresser to a fitness expert embodies resilience and transformation. In this episode of 'Fascinating Women with Mark Laurie,' Angela shares her experiences of personal challenges, including motherhood at a young age, a bold move to California, and overcoming profound personal losses. Her story is a testament to the strength and adaptability of women. Tune in to be inspired by her journey of self-discovery and perseverance."

Angela Bain Bio
Angela Bain's life story is a remarkable tale of resilience and transformation. Starting as a young hairdresser, she pivoted to fitness after an injury, eventually working at the renowned Gold's Gym in California. Her journey has been shaped by profound personal challenges, including early motherhood at 16 and the heartbreaking loss of her son. These experiences have forged her into a figure of strength and adaptability.

Now a dedicated fitness instructor, Angela is passionate about empowering others through physical and emotional well-being. Her approach to fitness transcends the physical, embracing the healing and recovery aspects born from her own life's trials. Angela's story is not just about overcoming adversity but also about the relentless pursuit of personal growth and helping others on their wellness journeys. Her resilience and spirit are an inspiration, showcasing the profound capacity of the human spirit to adapt and thrive.

About Mark Laurie - Host.
Mark has been transforming how women see themselves, enlarging their sense of sexy, and expanding their confidence in an exciting adventure that is transformational photography. His photo studio is inner Spirit Photography. 

Sound Production by:
Lee Ellis  - myofficemedia@gmail.com  


You're listening to fascinating women with Mark Laurie. And now, Mark Laurie.

Mark Laurie:

Hello, everyone, it's Mark Laurie here from fascinating women. Now normally, I am having these wonderful men in front of my camera and for change of pace. I'm here to find out their stories. And today I have got Angela bang. Hello, Angela.

Angela Bain:

Hi, Mark.

Mark Laurie:

How are you doing today?

Angela Bain:

Good thank you. Glad to be here

Mark Laurie:

It's you says I'm so excited. Yeah. So Angela has got many, many, many qualities. One of them is She's a bit nervous in front of a camera. So we'll see how that kind of goes. So we go way back don't, we?

Angela Bain:

Yes, I would tell a 35 years. Wow. Yeah,

Mark Laurie:

that is Yeah. Oh, I feel old now, Thank you. There's a young guy back then. So give us some highlights because you're you're a fitness instructor now but going back over the years. What how would you shift into entroupenuer thing? What's well done?

Angela Bain:

I started out cutting hair, I was a hairdresser.

Mark Laurie:

Ok, Trained or just picked it up.

Angela Bain:

No, no, I eat you have to have your license syndrome. Okay. Yeah, to work. So, I, I was very young when I left home. And my parents thought, well, she's got to get a job. So they put me through hairdressing school for nine months in Calgary.

Mark Laurie:

But you said you were young, how old were you? What's 17 - 17? Okay,

Angela Bain:

so I went through schooling, I got my hairdressing certification, and they started working in Calgary. And I knew I didn't love it. So it was just a way to make money. Right? So then what happened was I cut my index finger on the right hand, okay, cut the tendon to me. And I couldn't work for three months, I was in the splint, cut my road, do anything. So I decided to go back to school. So I went to Mount Royal. And I took general studies. So I didn't know what I wanted to be winning. So I and I took General Studies and one course was Kinesiology. And I just loved it. Because at the time, I started to work out because I was very tiny and when frail and weak, and I just needed to to get some more muscle on my body. So it kind of got work together. Right. So I finished my athletic therapy program. And and then I moved to California together. So I moved there because I was going to be getting married to a body builder row in California. So yeah, well, he was from Calgary, and we we just hooked up while I was doing my body building. Because I got into as I worked out, right, I started bodybuilding and I really enjoyed it. So he, he thought it would be a great match made in heaven. So I moved myself and my son downloaded California and he didn't so it didn't work out. But it was a great experience. I worked at Gold's Gym, so I moved my job board each Yeah, wow. Okay, yeah, yeah, Venice Beach kind of thing. Ah no, Redondo. Okay. Yeah. Redondo Beach. Yeah. Yeah, it was fascinating. Yeah, that was fun. Oh,

Mark Laurie:

yeah. That's a lifestyle. That's cool. So let me stay there. You came back came

Angela Bain:

came back after two years. Yeah. Because what I wanted to do originally was be a chiropractor. Okay. So I thought, Okay, I've got my athletic therapy. And that's pretty much all the what prereqs for Cairo was, except I needed a few more courses. So I went to school in Hollywood. So I took a few courses there like Organic Chem and physics and all this nonsense. So I went to so it turned out when I did apply there like to La CC and Whittier I was accepted. But it was great. I turned out but I didn't have the money to Canadian student loans wouldn't long me enough, even for the tuition. Right. And I being a single mother, Indian student living in a very expensive even Southern California town. Just depressed. Yeah. Okay, so we came back living and so we're to come back to I started working at World Health. And I thought, you know, maybe this was a rationalization. I thought, okay, I started I've got world I've got this underneath my belt. I can do this for a living and I do love it. I'm not going to be a chiropractor but think of it this way got this on chiropractors can do doctors do love massage therapists are all down at the end of this way. Okay? Um, I'm the fence. I'm the fence. Yeah. So I want to prevent down at, you know, anything from happening where I want to rehab injuries and keep the body healthy so you don't fall off the cliff that's here early and still there to help you in your rehab injury.

Mark Laurie:

That is brilliant. That is a great viewpoint. I love that.

Angela Bain:

Well, they didn't really shift me into it. It was I like It

Mark Laurie:

rationalize my job, right? Yeah, that is. So why did your parents decide? Usually parents, go to college go become a doctor, lawyer. Dentist, those kinda things. So why are they shifting into? because I had my child so young. Alright, and right. I had Nick at 16. And it was a nine month course. Right? It was. So it was a way to get me right into the workforce. Are you living athome? Or you're?

Angela Bain:

No no, I actually lived with Nick's father in Bronx, right? And he was a horribly abusive man, so I had to leave him. And that's why my parents decided well, she needs to go to a city where she can study this and we'll pay her give him you know, room and board for nine months and you're come home on the weekend and they looked afternoon. berms work city No. leering hazardous cost or overcast or Alberta. Yeah, very small town come down on the weekend. And so they really helped me out a lot.

Mark Laurie:

So you had a lot of stuff shape you. You're very small town. you're making room they really helped that require Moxie.

Angela Bain:

Yeah, it was a some sometimes I think I was just stupid. You're making me You know, I just didn't know any better. And, to this day, I I'm fascinated that I even did that. Stupid, you know, you know, to move and you quit my job and take Nick out of school and pack up and get in my little ship at that and drive in California. So why do you even take Nick out? It

Mark Laurie:

gave you the sense you could do that. Get in my little was gonna be okay.

Angela Bain:

I mean, that's a leap of faith to California. Well, I did have my fiancee at the other end. Right to receive us.

Mark Laurie:

It's gonna be okay. I mean, that's still a stipend. You don't yell

Angela Bain:

it was I did have my fiancee? I don't know. Maybe it's my dad says. He says you just fly by the seat of your pants. Do it? Don't Yes. Yeah. I guess is my dad said. He said.

Mark Laurie:

Why waste your pants? Is that a hallmark of how he's still functioning?

Angela Bain:

No, no, no, I'm very nervous about doing anything different. Because I'm older and I'm not as resilient. Maybe. I don't know, in some ways, I'm very resilient. But then some risk taking and sometimes I'm not.

Mark Laurie:

I don't know. Change for you want to see the pants tonight? Good risk taking. Too much. So what did that probably see the pants to think?

Angela Bain:

Probably shabby. Probably when my son died? Probably Sunday. Yeah. Yeah. I think that scared of everything was probably could probably my

Mark Laurie:

real watershed moment in one's life. i Yeah. How did you handle that? Yeah.

Angela Bain:

Well, he wasn't an accident or so. He was actually in a coma for a month and a half up in Edmonton. So I spent many nights and days by his bed he was actually in and it just so happened I had to go home. No nights and I went as much as I could and stayed as long as I couldn't. But I had to go home just so I had to go home. My daughter in law phoned me that told me that Nick see her and started. I had to, like they usually when you're laying in bed to get pneumonia, and that was the case. So he had pneumonia and heart had stopped. There was suctioning his lungs and his heart stop actually, when you're laying and yes, I I was pretty sure because I've heard this before that people are suctioning his lung die when are leaked. And and so when i i left literally last day and came home and she told me that night

Mark Laurie:

when I've got my my sister's a nurse and let know they can go they can let go. And sometimes they say leaving is that signal that okay? And that's something people have no placeholders to go there. So sometimes you say leave are things so that was that was your watershed moment. That's the

Angela Bain:

kind of thing so yeah, that really changed

Mark Laurie:

the whole thing. So that was that was your watershed moment. That's for me

Angela Bain:

right now. I would say really changed me that I found out more about myself. I found out that I was stronger than I thought I was that I had to get back and well, I don't found out that Andrew COVID Hit literally died in 2019 in April. Well, it was like the following spring, it was a COVID. And you had a lot of time died in 2009. Right? Yeah. So was like the fall it was. It's just and you had a lot of times I had to stop thinking, well, maybe I'll just get cold with it. Right, just right. Because that would chop probably just I had to write I'll keep go be with dark thinking. But maybe I'll just hit COVID and die. You know, and I know that. Probably just he would want me to live my life. When I had this grand die, right? Like, he was married, they just got married and I was late. And then I had Bodie, my grandson was only nine months old when Nick Dyke was married. So he's married, they just got married and had to state your grandson. And both my grandson was only nine years old. Very important, right?

Mark Laurie:

So you wanted a tangible self journey at

Angela Bain:

that point and to state Yes,

Mark Laurie:

well that kind of shaped that. Well,

Angela Bain:

at first I agreed to go through worker's compensation and get the grief counseling when I found out well that was like picking a scab for every appointment it was just awful patient and get it that was like picking a scab didn't help at all every in fact I would go home and just be and I asked God because it was literally bringing every single rape at all and why do we have to bring everything I would talk about it just me so what I what I did was I had a hypnotherapy session right and that bring huffing emotional tie to the so what I did so that's conscious and that feeling you have no tie you know I can bring that up instantly if I wanted to. So I was asked to do is think of the dance right in your subconscious really so when you have that tie unconsciously instantly if you can look at it over rashes think of the event blocks and you can kind of get some you can function still

Mark Laurie:

there but you know more doesn't stop and blocks it

Angela Bain:

so that really helped a lot and then two months after Nick died my mom was still there but she also had another word beyond because it doesn't she didn't just die she really helped me when I had to sit by her bedside to Mom died and I was like I can do this because I really don't know if I can service it's only been two months to sit by her beds to whose life

Mark Laurie:

and I was Mark herself I

Angela Bain:

really don't know if I communities

Mark Laurie:

function yes we've become very very lucky I live in my life the stuff that the bikes is great too much so yeah to me got through that and

Angela Bain:

then two months after that are over like yo, I was in a very bad motorcycle accident off that the bikes and I almost lost my life so

Mark Laurie:

we got so

Angela Bain:

that was in two months that was in and it got to the point I didn't think I could handle much more and I almost lost a lot so it's kind of broken emotionally I was broken so much more appreciate it took some time to get back so I felt physical physical things I was broken workout training that I always always worked out whether COVID was here or not you know I'd workout at home or the gym even before that I always always were I was still working work out it and God were proud you know it was hard to work and mother for sure after I was still Nick Castle when my mom passed but and you know I took a weekend or two literally took the weekend off after Nick died I went right back to working past and my mum yes but I couldn't sit around I took busy

Mark Laurie:

looking back right back wow, this gave you strength sit around yeah. It always had a lot of people because they're so strong looking back back yeah,

Angela Bain:

that's my go to so what do you do with them?

Mark Laurie:

Just give you power? Yes. What do I do if that feels like your strong suit to burn?

Angela Bain:

Yes, it's my go to so what do you do with good question what do I do what I do with it? I guess I channel that channel into other things also, like what do you question is it gives you string what I do in that? I guess I chatted with him was some kind of small to other thing. Yeah, you really look at life a little bit differently as US What's important what's not important everything was seen and loved I get so much joy you can really little I just I guess that's where I go to what's important and I hear their stories and it's funny and so much joy outrange talking funny little but that I guess that's where I go to to clients right now they're syllabaries funny and I have one last to husband but I'm we're off to a client right now that have long can talk about while it helps them and I have one client and we talk like

Mark Laurie:

God people relate to that

Angela Bain:

we can tie them and so

Mark Laurie:

yeah two guys yeah we hit that trail you and I both talked about the trail we hit Mount Everest kind of people we relate to but having that near is

Angela Bain:

feeling you're talking to

Mark Laurie:

Everest kind of thing Yeah. But having had that that near Yes. I can see a whole different length when you're talking to another mother Yeah cuz if you're curious about now

Angela Bain:

I'm actually curious about something that you love doing the big I used to know and I'm actually curious about I just love love doing she might father I would be an artist and gold but and I was I just loved but I would love to I would love to explore their thought I really wouldn't artists Yeah. appeal. I was just I would lose my soul. I would love to explain even when I was really young child What's up i started i watercolors and I lose time just why even when I was just quite young and it's soil satisfied stirred is directly related to water. Yeah, other

Mark Laurie:

plants right the time

Angela Bain:

just flies. Just wise and it's so satisfying. Well, I am Senator hypnotherapy. So after I had those sessions, and I thought this is well actually I did some research and found an instructor in Calgary so after I started the course and I did get I did some research on my advanced sound on in certification and I'm presently Master I started on worse and I but did the school and my advanced died certification and I'm presently yeah died a year ago so it's in probate there's some things they have to work out yeah cool die can move forward at all settings year ago, February so it seemed to people I think people things are about to work out when in school. I don't think so. But I'll finish How do you think people get it? Well, because I don't I don't show a lot of myself and less than with the right safe because I don't get a lot of people just started a lot of them right things bless them with the right keep it doesn't matter if it's

Mark Laurie:

a situation safe for you to share.

Angela Bain:

But a lot of people just don't well I know we use and things so I feel safe and share right now. It's safer if I didn't know the person. Well, I know you and I would also like feel safe to share as well right now

Mark Laurie:

that'd be the safety thing like you know that person to feel that whoever you're talking to. I don't pretend shy with Oh, yeah, but with what you're saying it's not near as much to us to the second thing is a huge Yeah. times is going to protect you. Yeah, but with what you're saying it's not gonna be used against him or her. He kind of thing where you changed your mind well recently,

Angela Bain:

so I thought I'd live I thought I would leave Canada early. Bird you go to wasn't sure, but I was thinking also Mexico Portugal live. I thought I would leave Cameron different really? Portugal replays wasn't sure I was thinking look

Mark Laurie:

I just read Mexico actually someone definitely is not the way they're gonna trade among the

Angela Bain:

place. They're at they're hurt. MEXICO CITY looks fascinating.

Mark Laurie:

Mexico, most Americans the way they're portrayed in movies,

Angela Bain:

it's a whole different I know. Sounds GPD you'd agree but then you look at the darker side too.

Mark Laurie:

It's like it's all right dark side

Angela Bain:

is portrayed right you gotta look at the dark

Mark Laurie:

best advice someone's given a dark sides not as dark as it used to be or as portrayed writing fluid change what is the best advice someone's given you

Angela Bain:

be authentic? Who gave you oh yes

Mark Laurie:

well Guy No rush to be what's it mean to be

Angela Bain:

just be myself Wow, all the court you know, videos And Chrissie authentic? Yeah, well the truth. Be honest, just be myself. I'm not threatened. What's the state of Anchorage idiosyncrasies? Yeah. Tell the truth. The honest truth in that thread,

Mark Laurie:

what are your shared values? What's the stuff that anchors you? I have values

Angela Bain:

truth ethic for sure. ethic truth i values ethic Drawing a Blank

Mark Laurie:

thinking true that's a good third core values blank blank. You can sketch that in when you start

Angela Bain:

panicking. I'll get back to you on that blank. Good. That's

Mark Laurie:

a good third blank when you're being authentic you sketch that

Angela Bain:

in when you get back to not when

Mark Laurie:

when you're talking to people you strike me as a person doesn't want a whole bunch of when

Angela Bain:

you're being assessed now how do you I don't like

Mark Laurie:

that kind of compensation Do you like to hear talking I like to know well what makes

Angela Bain:

a person tick what makes me well I like to know joyful what makes you tick everything right? person tick what are we you see that

Mark Laurie:

always like that? Or what series of tragedies

Angela Bain:

Yeah, everything I really would just say I really was alone are always like that or exams after the series of which you're like interesting in the job that I do really people by one really was a loner I don't do well in crowds which is an I don't interesting in job that I do I work with people but as one unless run counters I guess you will say well then I don't I don't well in don't do it just meaning counters I guess you would say

Mark Laurie:

the Facebook go off whether foods well I don't do don't do as well conversations guys don't have time to get into the stuff right away make it I don't even know whether well conversation that's what's most interesting conversation you can get into really meaty stuff right away that

Angela Bain:

would probably I'm dating a really fascinating what's

Mark Laurie:

most interesting about conversation long

Angela Bain:

conversation like that was just probably because I'm I'm dating a really fascinating man don't talk on conversation he kind of grinds it's awesome because so TV is not a money seven minute date don't talk at all know that away from those very articulate so TV is not a bodybuilder warm and we talk about personal things out away from the land just all sorts area particularly warm and and great personal plans in the future satisfy all sorts finally talk to one that has some real some real grain or to have depth again it is it's so sad to talk to somebody that has some real I don't know how foreign teachers depth yeah

Mark Laurie:

as far as you want to go pledge the future what kind of future plans do you have?

Angela Bain:

Well, I don't know how far in the team I do plan to build or you want to go do the revision flat? Yeah, I do. And I do plan to build my own studio have people come to me driving? Yeah. Right but I love doing both Yeah, right. Doing both but I've always wanted like people come to me you know me driving so that they last I heard but I love doing together in the next year. I love doing both but I've always wanted my own space. So that's I hopefully that one comes together in the next year to sauce that's right yeah. Yeah, that's great. There's so many different areas you could

Mark Laurie:

how you define success for Broadway Broadway that you define success umbrella that define success for you.

Angela Bain:

There's so many different fields killed so so guilted

Mark Laurie:

brought Broadway that you define success the umbrella no life

Angela Bain:

does your does your work do you feel like you have been fulfilled

Mark Laurie:

or your as your definition of success challenged?

Angela Bain:

Like is this your from your work or here your life has meaning

Mark Laurie:

all those kinds of things has changed there's the young young hairdresser younger bodybuilder going to California that hold all those kinds of things Long Beach sea life and three times a single mom there's a young new hairdresser and then builder posts California passing about home rebuild each girl. Does that make sense? There's a single mom version of it success you got three successful hosts passing What would you consider a successful rebuild stages? Make sense? Yeah. Okay.

Angela Bain:

So life success,

Mark Laurie:

three successful

Angela Bain:

trainer. We're touring stages of gear by going to Venice Beach and working like welts, cessful he built as a trainer working in Gold's Gym, California lights access to going down or speech and working out pro living at others living in actuators. And that success to me then Right, like living a better life, right living in that was living in a beautiful apartment pool and were living going back to California. Right, right. That was obviously I felt successfully providing my son as a saint where I came back to school and well, obviously, I felt successful, providing great, fine young, single parents and then getting him to school and dramas, and often losing my wife. And the next phase after the losses and trauma I wasn't sure I'd be around us is living

Mark Laurie:

to live, because then you discovered that you're gonna, you're gonna you're out. That's especially the time to just have to face. Yeah. And he discovered that slide this time around. His wife says I don't think so. That's that's a scramble. I know, if I've never had the guy when I was asked to be cheated my wife. He says, I don't think so. Does that mean I'm really not a cheater thing? So it's either. It's nice. He's never F I've never had the opera down opportunity. So you never like turn your turn down? Does that mean I'm really not a Cheeto? That's kind of nearby thoughts to be philosophical. No, bear never turned down the opportunity. So there are women. Okay. That's so that's an aerial berry base that have been either been tested ever had a moment where? Oh, yeah. And I was like, Yeah, and so

Angela Bain:

I think I think challenging. Yeah. And yeah, choice. It really was. Yeah, I didn't even really was challenging. 16 when it really was when I moved to Hungary, so I didn't even have my driver's license when Nick or finally, when I sold my hairdressing course. 16 when I had no I had 17 wedding care, on a half bus ride when Nick finally here and when I finished my hairdressing course, and he came to live with me your date, I had to take that day care and I had taken a bus ride to go got here and an hour to come home and when people gave us to do some homework and

Mark Laurie:

because what year would that be what people think of a single mom now had the 16 different attitudes. I was born in 19 we were comfortable Dating Yourself. What year would that Yeah. So that you had that you were a single mom, you're 16 So that would be he was

Angela Bain:

in Calgary, right? I had family so it it just wasn't the same. It was had to do everything have any family in Calgary right

Mark Laurie:

because Calgary back they had family legit site it compared to what it is just wasn't the same Bible Belt.

Angela Bain:

I had to do everything on my own. And

Mark Laurie:

we just had about because Calgary back then was the about one Bible Belt hands. Church a city that we would have had about 400,000 people

Angela Bain:

OneDrive would have the size now pack a lunch has the

Mark Laurie:

outskirts of the city then would fly in the pool to LRTs I

Angela Bain:

remember driving I thought I had to pack a lunch get a

Mark Laurie:

grasp of the basin and the both lines the whole difference being on your listeners get a grasp of yeah, what's your face and a little one single mom done back then that

Angela Bain:

we didn't know for now. You know, just being on your own you're talking earlier. So that 801 sound with a little one with you. I really didn't know what I was doing. Well, I was lucky to be

Mark Laurie:

talking earlier said if I know when something what things would you care to learn?

Angela Bain:

i My dad was well I would love to talk to young women's concurrency control. That's right. He was Catholic no sex you know that that was no sir. No, no, I my dad was a pharmacist right. He was Catholic. I flew by the seat and I know that that was a big deal. Okay. So but I just I I flew by the seat of my pants.

Mark Laurie:

Okay, you had a tummy and a condom that said trust me the sign said this is the soft side it was cute. Yeah. Exactly. Your baby being born pregnant tummy and a condom and it said trust me the side you see results in furniture or your environment which is rapidly most of the core Yeah, exactly. When you're younger. They give you some of this strength and some of the pieces that you see the result of your natural ordering variable what shaped you the most at the core to get through that your younger had to be in giving someone their strength with somebody to take them through a lot of point when some of you like when the rubber hits the road to get through that something had to be in that place when you're younger so that when they're the shy look at this when you hit the point where the rubber hits the road to tragedies when your middle spine I was adopted the show itself. So

Angela Bain:

check me out. Six weeks old and I didn't find out until I was well I was adopted. Okay, at first I was so my parents picked me I was in Edmonton when I was six weeks old and I didn't find out till I was probably 10 Okay, first I was they actually went out I was yes they chose me but then I realized very thing wanted like I said good they actually went out yes, they chose me and three other children in their room there was stillborn like you said good. My mom and dad fearing and Emily, she went through rush and there was three other children in the family. There was two stillborn doubt back from bone. My mom's from that. And then she went through depression and I started to literally found the backbone drew that

Mark Laurie:

link sooner or later, or two questions that come to mind the first week

Angela Bain:

later because they didn't understand. Would you prefer the toll sooner that meant? I really didn't know whether that mattered? Yeah, probably later when because they didn't understand. Really? I really didn't know what that meant a good approach. Yeah. I think the best way for someone who sat down adopted children adopted when really and what's that good approach for wanting I think if they sat down with their child oh and really and she was the one who wanted includes you you're muted you shaping our fans, and how they've shaped the the family from your old lips includes you you're in shaping our found octave. And I know what that meant because when they might attend me to your old memory continually brought they just said dress and you're a doctor took you home. I didn't know what that meant was still didn't get it when they said Well, we took a train to Edmonton only brought you a little yellow draft and we put it on nearly took you home. I don't remember what. I still didn't get it. Where'd it come from? See the confusion? And you pick me up in the freezer section? I don't know when I was pregnant with Nick. I didn't know how to have a baby. Okay,

Mark Laurie:

I can see that.

Angela Bain:

I remember reading the book. What I did I even when I was pregnant with Nick, I didn't know how to have a baby. Okay. i And I remember reading the book. What to Expect When You're Expecting can't do this. Wow. This will be his hall. I said I can't do that. And you can't do this. Like this forever. This is this whole take it back. And during this next father's Sybil. You kind of have to do this and go No. Yeah, that's right. No, no, I can't do this.

Mark Laurie:

Return to Sender beyond comprehension and then a support system. Yeah, it was frightening. All I can imagine. is 60 years old. She had comprehension stakes a child having children twice. And so we had a client that came in and she had to do this right I was just 16 girl. She had a second one same mistakes. Think twice in her 30s and she worked very hard to get her girl girl at 16 is graduating as well. So I think round she was in her 30s and she's a grandma seeing your mum. Oh wow really was hard for some photographing this young man's answer to that is grin because it was drawn that when you're struggling with the price and I having seen your mum children then she wouldn't get all that stuff there that she wouldn't eat. Did you draw on that?

Angela Bain:

I remember sitting by her struggles. My heart when it was it was sad like she she wouldn't get out of bed like she wouldn't eat. I remember sitting by your bed. I just don't think it was up to her and she says I don't know Angela I just eat stay and get out of bed months. I don't want I just don't want to do. Dad finally took her to get us home for different medical. She stayed in Pinocchio then only had electric shock therapy and it scared different medical approach Steinways was yours. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

It's scary. I keep on thinking the Star Trek coils you'd go back and stay for free so my guide will bring it towards us. When we talk about stuff that's happened in the past day us grasp when you say something like this Looks like we have an image of people today can't grasp what that really means.

Angela Bain:

It was our old back then because my dad took us kids to go visit mom zombies. And you know, she wouldn't even look at me. It's worse. You know, they're all sitting around like, I've been kinda bad enough. Yeah, but zombies. Yeah, you know. So what kind of person did you it's worse than an old folk song.

Mark Laurie:

Oh, yeah,

Angela Bain:

I've been in those are bad enough. Yeah. But I thought Yeah, I thought my pressure

Mark Laurie:

to carry

Angela Bain:

forward from so I thought oh, well, she's not. Well, I thought I thought my mom was pretty strong. Right? Does that mean so? Do you do she's not your strength? can control and what does that mean? What does that mean? Take You Out at the knees. Do you right? Do you lose your strength? Or is in trauma just read proudly, Maria but and then bring? She takes you out at syrupy right? Never saw? Or is it repressed losing the repressed memory of it? And then the third one, which you know what I mean? Like she never got therapy. Never saw a psychologist after losing two children in a row and out and then the third one is mentoring physically handicapped. So there's that just one? Yeah. Wow. So mom and dad had it wasn't real hands folio and not getting so I just wondered. Yeah, sure. Blue limited in time. It was a matter of just getting help. And not getting that help. I wasn't sure talking

Mark Laurie:

to her. Live a very confusing time. Are you thinking yeah, after the work safely can you say so now you've got your own business seeds. You're you're an entrepreneur. That's that's a risky thing in itself. That is safe to take risks. And I can see make the turnstile? teurlings They do this in some ways. You don't take much risk. Can I go subpoena Trump and that is a huge risk. But really you got to get out to the patterns and kind of make the turnstile turn again differently to try with it and the economically south and suddenly those are things that are built our CEO got no steady paychecks or kindly question anyway. I'm not too sure if there's a big difference. Trump there these days schools got employees. Yeah, we're giving our CEOs a $2 million benefit. I think we got to cut you feel like Yeah, cool. It's gotta get water and food. Once you feel like you're a risk taker, Metropolis Can't

Angela Bain:

I do. But I can't wait. I can't, I just can't change once you are working for yourself. You just can't working in a gym, I guess. And the way the fitness industry has changed easily, you can't make a living working in a gym. So guess what? It's a measly sum, pay your rent. Many clients, you want to take all your in got back in the day off. They It was great. It was awesome. They just had to pay your rent. They train as many clients as you want it take all your income or but now they've take they've figured it out. They charge huge amounts of money to rent and come for the end up taking half additional

Mark Laurie:

prices. That's kind of similar to the hairdressing industry. Because there's a chair for income into it. And now we're gonna we've talked a bit additional prices you have to Yeah, so you see, you see a similar kind of structure. Now, we've talked a bit you're not a typical girl at all technology

Angela Bain:

cost you how that happened. And when Pi was in the gym, I had literally, I was in the gym, like even when people had computers, I had no desire to have a computer and what would I use it for? I had no idea. I would go to the gym and I would train people from sometimes five in the morning till nine at night. And it was all physical that a lot of people are using as their industry changed as apps, but definitely down how

Mark Laurie:

are you adapting to?

Angela Bain:

Well, I know that a lot of people are using our fitness apps sure, but I find that that just loses a lot of the the personal touch it's not the same you know, you can sure you can give somebody an ad to do a workout on him but you can't it's it's just not the same you can't go indeed somebody's house 3d You can tell right away and look at how their bodies moving. You can't see how they're feeling like go and either work or go into somebody's house and talk I can tell right away what mood they're in, you know, grind and get to the what's going on today. You know, like that all affects their workout. So you can talk to them and you can like you know, kind of get to the root of it and get out

Mark Laurie:

yeah, what the blocks are the biggest thing that they entered For me, I've been doing coaches it was working out a long, long time more do this. Let's see. Learning the form was the biggest thing that they drilled into me. The coaches, it was not yet but then if Sabac more, do this, that's a form of you're gonna hurt. Yeah. Yeah. And you'll say, how many on the map? But then if you don't do it, right, you got medical bills? Exactly.

Angela Bain:

Yeah, becomes a problem. Everybody's just so maybe the younger kid disconnected? Since COVID, I think. Just I don't know, maybe it's just with the younger kids. I don't emulate. They're always on their phones. Going in the gym. So

Mark Laurie:

who are your heroes here? Who do you look up to? Who do you want to emulate?

Angela Bain:

However, you know, I was thinking about that. I don't have a role model right now. Have you had a couple in the past Cheryl's? She was a body role models to be huge. I don't have her. You know, I was thinking about that. I don't have a role model right now. Have you had a couple in the past? Yeah, but she was a bodybuilder and I want it to be huge. Huge. I was on stage at 105 pounds.

Mark Laurie:

Like, what he's taught the business? She's done with the business model is or no. Okay, sorry. Is there? Is there any thought leader in your industry suddenly see I like vision, but he's not the business model she's done with the business model is like,

Angela Bain:

not yet. Okay. I haven't found anybody.

Mark Laurie:

So how do you what do you hang your vision on the future?

Angela Bain:

I can do? I don't like word but I do. I do drink boards where your night

Mark Laurie:

vision boards great vision board.

Angela Bain:

I don't have a vision board. But I do. I do write every night. What I'm grateful for about my body and right into the my job, what my home that look and my relationships. Right will try and warn men, I try and think into the future and what hopeful Wouldn't that look like for? Right and try and try and not necessarily manifest it and but hopeful thinking, hope you're doing that for? Yeah. It just gives me just a year to a year. How's it make you feel? Much better, Joe? Also, it just gives me it is really that gratitude, that sense of gratitude really changes. It changes your energy.

Mark Laurie:

So it's like a command. That's powerful. It is really needs to go back to you. If you've done think things through just dump it on the page.

Angela Bain:

I just dump it. Yeah. So it's like a miracle. But it can also be automatic. Right?

Mark Laurie:

There we go back and redo it. Have you done? How do you feel go back for say six months and read something?

Angela Bain:

It's it's interesting, because I go through phases, right? Or I'll be super grateful for something and not so great. Because they do indeed, yeah, it's a roller coaster. And I always always have at least at least a full page. Do you even 10 minutes. So it's, it's it's just, it's just really nice to to do that. I think everybody should do even 10 minutes. Sometimes it can do time yourself or just write down five minutes, right until I found one you're right for. Yeah, yeah. So sometimes it's 20 minutes carbon grade, sometimes it's 10. I think I've gone to half an hour. Yeah. This is

Mark Laurie:

a habit. No. Yeah. So it's kind of ingrained into every night. Just grab any kind of notebook or write into it.

Angela Bain:

I have this little book and it says thoughts. Really proud of it. It's really pretty embroidery.

Mark Laurie:

Dead speech girls not too far away. She's on the just, of

Angela Bain:

What are your slogans? Health is wealth.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah, have any slogans to work with?

Angela Bain:

That's well of course, what are your slogans health is wealth and move it or lose it. That's a big one for especially for the older people move it or lose it and think you ain't got to keep moving small square.

Mark Laurie:

One of the ones I saw on this was a I could find this commercial. It was a commercial Nike did seven days I'm thinking about and it's a small square room and there's a football player comic character, an athlete and it's full of weights and he's jumped over a box the whole bit. And there's a form that kind of comes on it says basically, an object in motion tends to stay in motion an object at rest tends to stay at rest. Be in motion, my mom. Exactly.

Angela Bain:

arthritis in her leg. Yeah, you just have to keep moving. I saw what happened to my mom, which is you know, arthritis set in in her leg, right ended up in a wheelchair. She didn't do anything. She stopped doing her daily walks because of that, which is the worst thing you can do. And she ended up in a wheelchair. Right so at sites you don't have to it doesn't have to be that way. So

Mark Laurie:

you can give your clients vivid visions of what their alternatives if they don't hire you.

Angela Bain:

Yes. That fulfilling what you're doing very fulfilling. Yeah. Oh, I love it. Just love it. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

usually go to bed every morning to do that. Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. Sweet. Any final thoughts you'd like to share that I hadn't hit on?

Angela Bain:

I don't think so. I think you've covered quite a bit.

Mark Laurie:

seem to be pretty comfortable.

Angela Bain:

Now I am. So good. You

Mark Laurie:

are marks smooth. I'm a dangerous individual. And Angela Scott will have a bio. If you're looking for what she does. She'll have some contact information. So good listeners, you can kind of look into that and kind of connect with her in there. Thank you for coming on. It's been really insightful. I had no ideas and I thought you

Angela Bain:

could spend the light. Thank you.

Mark Laurie:

And I hope you listen again everyone.


This has been fascinating women with Mark Laurie. Join us on our website and subscribe at fascinating women dossier fascinating women has been sponsored by inner spirit photography of Calgary, Alberta and is produced in Calgary by Leigh Ellis and my office media.