Fascinating Women

Dr Sandra Schur - Clairvoyant- Aura Field Reader- Chiropractor- Entrepreneur- Happyness creator

Dr. Sandra Shur Season 6 Episode 10

Mark chats with Dr. Sandra Shur. She talks about discovering her ability to read aura fields and how she went from a Chiropractor to an entrepreneur and then aura fields. She lays out the struggles, the forces that shaped her and how she came to embrace her gifts. She gets into challenges and high points. Why she likes it so much

Sandra Schur bio

Dr. Sandra Schur, an auric field consultant, offers a unique approach to her clients. She uses her skill of reading the human aura to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers create more health, happiness, and better self-care. Her approach is centered on honoring the true needs of their bodies, minds, and spirits, setting her apart in the field. 

As the founder and owner of Aura Power, she has helped hundreds of clients from across multiple industries gain deep insight into themselves and their inner workings to help them align with their deeper purpose, honour the true needs of their souls, and create their most fulfilling lives, relationships and businesses.

 By reading her client's auras, Dr. Sandra Schur provides a unique perspective that has helped many to understand themselves in a whole new way. This process allows her clients to see their lives and habits in a different light that is more aligned with their soul and their happiest, healthiest body, mind, and spirit. Having developed this skill in private practice as a chiropractor, she now uses this gift to help her clients break through subconscious blocks and inner obstacles so they can honour the true needs of their souls, form better self-care habits, and live their happiest, healthiest, most fulfilling lives. 

Ph: 415-493-8351.  Website: aurapowerful.com. email: sandra@aurapowerful.com

About Mark Laurie - Host.
Mark has been transforming how women see themselves, enlarging their sense of sexy, and expanding their confidence in an exciting adventure that is transformational photography.

Sound Production by:
Lee Ellis  - myofficemedia@gmail.com  


You're listening to fascinating women with Mark Laurie. And now, Mark Laurie.

Mark Laurie:

Hello, Dr. Sandra Chu, how are you?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

I'm fine. It's great to be here, Mark.

Mark Laurie:

It's adorable. Everyone. Thank you for joining us. I'm Mark Laurie from fascinating women. And normally I'm with an expert photographer photographing these incredible women and showing their incredible spirit. But today we get to explore what makes Dr. Sandra shoes so fascinating. And let's get into it. So you're doing well too. You're in San Francisco, right? Yes, it was good weather and everything. Now, us slip right into your background. So you the core overriding thing if you as you see auras. Okay. Yes. Can you get that portion of it? So, is that something that you woke up on dates? Oh, that's what's happened? Or is that something that you always knew you had? How does? How does that become part of your awareness?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, what happened was I started my career as a chiropractor. And I really wanted to understand what was going on with my clients because I always believed that the emotional body was very interrelated with people's health and especially something like back pain, which can really have a big stress emotional component. So I stopped actually studied with a clairvoyant, who taught me how to see kind of see into people and get intuitive impressions. And, and I would pick up, I would get images in my mind, that would illustrate what was going on with someone, they were just kind of pop up into my head. And so that was a skill that I was sort of I was sort of taught, you know, from this woman who, that's how she received her information. And so that's what I would do with my clients for for about the first five years of my practice, but then one day, a client came in, and instead of seeing the usual picture, that was image, I saw these colors around their body. And it just happened spontaneously. I didn't, I wasn't asking to see the aura, you know, so it was kind of weird. So I was like, wait a minute, you know, I'm not seeing an image, I'm seeing these colors. Let me see if I understand what they mean. And I just kind of got this download of information about what these colors not. And I just started talking to the patient, the client about what I was seeing. And he was like, oh, that's what's been going on with me having you know that and, and he gave me feedback that it was accurate. I was like, Oh, okay. So it was really a change. I mean, I thought what I was doing was strange anyway, you know, like, pictures around people. But when I saw the colors, it was like, Oh, wow, you know, I guess I'm seeing the aura. So it was actually really, it actually made my work a lot easier. Because I actually struggled for a long time, I thought I was crazy, you know, because I actually went mental illness was in my family. So I don't you know, I'm seeing these pictures, you know, and so when I saw the colors in it, and the information was so straightforward, I was like, Oh, wow, maybe I really am seeing something that's actually real, you know, I might be I'm not nuts. So it actually was really, it was really humble and and it's so then I developed another method along with seeing the colors, which is an energy clearing method. It's called tapping your audience's I have heard it. But I use that in combination with with seeing the colors to help me transmute the information, because information is great, but it's not enough. A lot of times for people to actually make the emotional leap to the new

Mark Laurie:

school in your background, because you have to make that leap comfortably. It's like, oh, this is like a natural thing. What? Like in your childhood that that organize your viewpoint of the world and this became a natural acceptable thing to happen.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, my grandmother actually would see her desk so I guess, I guess I got you know, information very young growing up that this was a normal thing. Weird, you know, to get this information that's kind of not normal and not normal way. So maybe,

Mark Laurie:

did you get you get those kind of things when you're younger? Or is that just like you're aware of it?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

I used to get that but what I did used to do or sort of interesting was I learned how to how to read. Playing Cards is a method of using Playing cards like like a tarot deck. And I actually think the Tarot has some relationship to playing cards. I don't know what it is. But I actually learned how to read playing cards, like, like tarot cards with my friends. I was maybe in I don't know, third or fourth grade, I forget how old I was. And, and everybody got a kick out of it. And I thought that, you know, I was getting information and stuff like that. So I mean, I don't know, I've always been drawn to it, you know, and I have four planets in Scorpio. So, anyway,

Mark Laurie:

you've gotten. So now that you have your own practice, so what did you get shaped as an entrepreneur, as a young age, like your luck, people tend to either go, I'm going to go and work for corporations, or I'm going to work for myself. And there's a whole different dynamic that happens with that. Right? So, so what what kind of what was your childhood like, that shaped the ability the interest to become


Interesting? Well, for me, it was I really didn't have an entrepreneur? the idea when I was young, that I would be an entrepreneur, as much as a helper, I really wanted to help people. And I grew up my mother really struggled with severe mental health issues. And there was a lot of, you know, craziness in my family. So. So I think I and I always felt like I had to take care of my mother and make her make her not nervous and be the child. And so I got a really, I think I got programmed, or you could say, influenced or grown or whatever, that I was here to make sure everybody was okay. And I was I was, like, really programmed to be a healer, you know, because that was my role in the family, you know, was taking care of my mother, and mentally and emotionally as much as I could as possible to you now. Yeah, so that was my job. It wasn't so much to be an entrepreneur, what what but but I think what happened to to, to, to the, for the entrepreneurs to to, was I went into medicine, I went to, to out, became a nurse, I became a nurse. And I really didn't like Western medicine, you know, I really didn't believe in the model that the body is a test tube with just chemical reactions. This material thing, you know, right. And, and, and I knew the emotional body and the spirit really affected. So then I decided to go to chiropractic school, and really nobody cars car, you can't really be a corporate chiropractor. This was in the 80s. Feeling my age, but, you know, I have my practice in 1980 89, you know, and even now, I don't, I don't know if they're hard, they might have chiropractors somewhere in some of these alternative medicine, medicine. Places, I don't know. But it's unusual. I mean, you really just have to have your own practice. So that was that was what created the entrepreneurship was I opened my own practice. I could do my chiropractor thing right,

Mark Laurie:

you can say thing was that is that is really well. What kind of challenges did you have, as you're going through the business side of things,


very challenging, extremely challenging. That was what drove me to do the work that I do now, because I've had horrible issues around confidence and self esteem. I remember when I was first in practice, a new client would come in, and literally, I would be struggling to hear what they were saying, because I was such a nervous wreck, that I would go almost death. And I would have to ask them to repeat and it was like, the my nervousness was making me so unable to be present, that I couldn't hear. And I realized, oh my god, you know, I really have to do something to for me to be able to be present so I can help these people, you know, and I realized, I'm sure a lot of other people have the same problem. I don't think it's just me. And I realized, you know, the, this is a big part of, of healing is we need to be fully in our body. We need to be fully present. We need to be accepting enough of ourselves and have enough self esteem so that we can connect at the heart with other people. Otherwise, forget it. You know when you can cuz you're such, if you're if you're if you're dealing with trauma or old emotional wounds that get triggered every time you interact with someone, it's a nightmare. You know, your relationships can be extremely challenging. And that was what I was gonna say, you know, so I realized I really need to do something. And that's what drove me to study with the Clairvoyant because it was I would work on we would work on each other. And then we would learn how to work on other people. Why clairvoyant?

Mark Laurie:

Why clairvoyant? Like Like most people go on, and I've got insecurities. And I've, I've got a doubt myself. I'm so nervous racking. I should go and talk to a psychologist. And that's what they're trained to do. Or a life coach, because once again, so why did you decide? Oh, I clairvoyant is like the step I should take.


Right, right. Right. Well, I had actually worked with the therapists talk there. And they really didn't help me that much. I mean, they gave me some insight into myself. And they gave me insight into my childhood and why I was the way I was. But it wasn't until I worked with a crystal healer, who was clairvoyant. I really turned the corner and that's when I decided to study with the colorblind. She knew she actually worked on with me with crystals and with energy. And it made a huge difference in my in my ability to be grounded and present and clear and confident, so much more than the talk therapy did. You know, energy is real our life forces. You know, that was the other thing that I still struggle with Western medicine is like they don't recognize the lifeforce. They don't recognize that it's something that's real, you know, they don't. So

Mark Laurie:

they're just guessing that will come we've got many I've encountered many health professionals that have actually done both mostly naturopathics have been through the medical thing and they've got the national Pathak stuff. They look. So the medical profession is slowly absorbing chiropractors with for a long time, we're kind of considered on the edge. And now they're sort of embodied for the most part of it. Yeah, I think


septic. Much, much more accepted. They were illegal in Massachusetts until 1990. Literally illegal you'll be arrested and thrown in jail for being a chiropractor. Until 19.

Mark Laurie:

It's hard to imagine, like all the stuff we accepting. So this is like normal. It's quite different. Do you think people understand you? I'm sorry. You think people understand you?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Do I think people understand me? Yeah. What? What?

Mark Laurie:

Did you think people go? Oh, I know what makes you tick. I under I understand you I get you do you have? Most people go? I just don't understand how you function like how do they how to people? In general? You they sort of go Oh, yeah,

Dr. Sandra Shur:

I guess I think a lot of people do see me as an enigma, no question about it. But I don't know what I'm you know, I'm afraid I'm just one of those people who was born into this strange, you know, different kinds of life. You know, that's a my husband says like, my husband is also we're both considered. We said we're both considered very eccentric by other people, the way it is WorkCenters. And we've just come to accept the fact that we're different and but you know, we're here to bring the special. We both have special qualities and special talents so that that's my trick, then it's okay with me.

Mark Laurie:

It's much more, much more fascinating to be an eccentric person. And like, kind of a intriguing sides. Do you think? Oh, yeah, there goes a regular piece of sliced bread. That's a it's kind of boring. Sliced Bread walk down the street. That's what's three beliefs guide you? What do you have any core beliefs that that are your rock of how you approach the world?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Oh, that's a very interesting question. What's a core belief? Oh, I wish you had asked me before I could have thought about this isn't having what's a core belief? Well, I, I Okay, well, okay. This is one of my foundational core beliefs, is our life force is real, and it comes from our soul. And it comes from our souls connection to the divine. And it totally affects us on every level, body, mind, spirit. And it needs to be 100. Our soul needs to be honored, because our soul is the source of our life force. And we don't when we don't honor ourselves, we don't honor our own lifeforce energy And then we get sick. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

I would people honor their soul.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

They honor what they feel in their heart, they honor what they feel in their heart to be true. And, and sometimes in the beginning, especially, it can take a lot of courage, because we've all been programmed by society in to do certain things and fit certain roles. Some of them are fine. Some of them, some of them are aligned with who we are on a soul levels that are not some of them, make us disempowers that especially well, I should say, especially when both women and men get programmed in different ways, you know, when we get a lot of programming, that we're here to take care of everybody but us, it's, it's selfish for us to take time to take care of ourselves. It's selfish to say now it's selfish to set boundaries, all of that, if anybody around us is sick, or has a problem, it's our fault. You know, it's almost like wired into us, man have more of I've got to be strong, I got to have all the answers. I've got to be, you know, totally on top of everything all the time. Oh, my God, if somebody sees I'm not that I'm not. You know, it's kind of like, you know, so you know, so we're gonna continue. So, so what I so this is what I love about my work is when I look at someone's aura, I can tell them, what programs are running them, you know, that where the where their lifeforce is being blocked, or you could even say maybe drained by a program that's running in the background in their subconscious mind. And I help them to take their power back from I help them to dissolve that and take the power back from it. Take their life force, that

Mark Laurie:

core belief. What do you have any other core beliefs that drive you any

Dr. Sandra Shur:

other core beliefs? I have good question. too. Well, I think, well, I guess this is related in some way. But love is the most powerful force as the most powerful force. And when we're in our heart, and when we honor our heart, we were not power. We're not afraid, you know, it's like Lionheart, we're courageous, we're true to ourselves. And we're true to ourselves. And we're true to our lifeforce, then we're bringing our light into the world. And it's all about bringing value, helping the whole, bringing, bringing support to the whole, not just to ourselves, not just to our own ego, not just to our own personal life, but to the whole, bringing harmony and healing, and love


and light to the whole. That's pretty powerful. Thank you,

Mark Laurie:

what's the most spontaneous thing you've done? What's the most spontaneous thing you've done? The

Dr. Sandra Shur:

most spontaneous. I've done. Oh, my God. You have some really good question. What is the most fun taneous thing? I have? Well, I remember well, this is kind of strange. I remember getting up. I don't know why I'm thinking about this. But it was it was really it was strange and spontaneous and was spontaneous when I was in high school. I I have friends who wanted me to be on the student board or whatever you call it, the student council thing.

Mark Laurie:

Student Council. Yeah, I'm for student council.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

And I had to give a speech, and I got up and gave the speech and I went into this whole riff about what was going on in the school. And it was just like, I don't know where it came from. Because I hadn't prepared anything I didn't even now and I was totally not nervous, which was not like me at all. It was almost like something somebody else took over my body. And I was talking about all the stuff that was wrong with the school and I got this huge standing ovation. It was the weirdest thing. I never forget that it was so awesome, but that's gonna tell the spontaneous I was like 1514 years old. Cell phone stuck with you. Yeah, it really ticked us it was like, I guess I was channeling something. I don't know what

Mark Laurie:

what's your boast? The personality traits you're most proud of?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

My honesty, my circle this year. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah. that look like when you're being honest and straightforward. That's it. There's there's kind of blunt and and polite ways of doing that. How do you approach?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, I try not to be blunt. I used to be blunt and I was very blunt. But I learned to be much more diplomatic. Yeah, yeah.

Mark Laurie:

I find when people say I gotta be honest, I'm thinking No, you just want to be mean for a few minutes. There's no that's there's some people that's what that's their cover. I'm gonna be honest, we got no, no, but there's an honest thing is a very it's a tough road to hoe sometimes, because you're, once you get known for it's easier and easier to do it because it's like, oh, that's my gig.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Yeah. Well, obviously, that's what I do is I see the

Mark Laurie:

truths. Yeah. Yeah. What's it like? Because there's, when you live in a good truth. It's really like, oh, yeah, it's the secondary in your horoscope. The horoscope says, You're gonna have a good day. I knew I was gonna look good. Dad's Great. horoscope says, oh, man, yeah, run for shelter. It's gonna be really rough. How do you deliver that truth? Yeah, truth. It's a truth. But

Dr. Sandra Shur:

okay, yeah, let's talk about this. You mean, when I'm looking at somebody's energy,

Mark Laurie:

not just when you're being in any aspect of life when you're aspect of life, and you got to be you're being truthful to you know, this is a really a bad meal, you know, when it's when you're being truthful. But it's constructive criticism truthful? Maybe, but it's where you're, you're not being let's go with your husband, he could take it.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Yeah, that's because that's the only thing because I very rarely have to deliver bad news. Once in a while at a restaurant, you know, maybe send back isn't good. But I mean, you know, like my husband, this is this has been, he's made tremendous progress, but he tends he used to tend to be very messy, very nice. And are used to just go nuts.


And then we would

Dr. Sandra Shur:

fight. So I want her to be very restrained, and very objective and very, like just observational. And like it's like you know, honey, you just put your shoes and your jacket in the middle of living in Florida you know, you just sit there you know and that very calm and I learned is a very calm I look do you really want to have your shifts the middle? You know, when when you have no energy around it, you know, is the person it's hard for the other person to take offense because because it's very much like speaking about what is and not blaming. And, you know, so you know, cuz because I love my husband. He's a total deer but he struggled with ADHD ADHD people are known for but he's gotten much much much better now. He's He's really good. Of course. I'm really trying to

Mark Laurie:

treat what personality trait do you wish you had?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Do? I wish I had? Oh, yeah. More more warm ups. I don't feel like I'm a very warm person. Yeah,

Mark Laurie:

I come across as friendly.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Yeah, well, yeah. Okay, maybe I'm warmer than I think I am. But the but that actually, you know, the real big trade is I would love to be one of those people who loves to be all over connecting with extroverted, I am totally not an extrovert. I'm very, very much an introvert. And I really have to push myself to, to do any kind of social media or doing any, I absolutely hate social media. I absolutely hate. And my bad marketing coaches know about you better than social media? Oh, no. And I started this YouTube channel and I did a few videos and one of them actually did really well. I got a lot of just one. Because I really, you know, I really am an introvert. And I have to really work at being comfortable being known and being seen and all about I'm just not, it's just not me,

Mark Laurie:

I'm with with BNI and that's all about networking. And the stats show that the best networkers are actually introverts.


Oh, that's so interesting, because you listen.

Mark Laurie:

Extroverts are out there, they're gonna tell their story. And after they have to work hard to listen because their natural inclination is to see up there and be loud and be afterwards, right? When you're an introvert and you're using diverse, I've got to then retreat, even though the guy that is head of BNI. He's an introvert and he says, I've got to have a private time to recharge me up to one to one. But you're because you listen, you ask thoughtful questions, generally speaking, and you're not looking and so that, that connection of one to one if you, you deal with it, introverts are better at that.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Wow, that's perspective. I really, I really understand it makes total sense to me.


Who inspires you? Oh, who inspires

Dr. Sandra Shur:

I have to say, Barack Obama. Just because what we're going to politically I want to talk about it. But you know, yeah. Yeah, I could because I really believe you need an inspiring strong, we need an inspiring strong leader. You know, we all do and anyway, especially now in this country, it's filling. It's kind of intense here. But

Mark Laurie:

the old proverb they live in interesting times, they think it's to Sunday in your face. And when it's your back, and we always live in interesting times. And everybody wants to have an adventure. They always also want to know that it's gonna turn out well. Yeah, I want that adventure. But do you have an end sprint? Do follow any inspirational quotes?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Inspirational Quotes Yeah, stuff that

Mark Laurie:

you've read or heard that goes oh, that resonates my guiding light.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, I love that one that very famous one about that down hot. I don't know if I can repeat it now but it's the one about it was attributed to Nelson Mandela and Marianne Williamson. Both of them have been something about showing your life you hide your lie, you're not your light is here to serve the world. I forget how it exactly. Because I've always been inspired by that, quote.

Mark Laurie:

I noticed in a lot of your posts of the likes deeply involved with you?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Yes. Well, it literally is, you know, when I look at someone's okra, yep, where it's bright is where they're able to be fully themselves in their fully honoring their soul. And where it's dark is literally where the programming is making them hide, making them feel like they have to hide their true self to be safe. You know, in these different ways, depending on where the color of the call was, everyone's

Mark Laurie:

looking for a comfortable place, the comfortable place to be. What are you curious about right now? Beside your aura stuff, like what's got your curiosity?



Dr. Sandra Shur:

what I'm going to be working on very soon and, and is working with on a book about weight loss and the hormone. I had a program, it's kind of on hiatus now where I worked with women, overweight women to clear the aura. So what easier for them to master their food because a lot of overeating comes from the emotional body gets triggered and we self soothe. So I developed this program to help with teach them how to clear their own emotional bodies. So they're aligned with their healthy weight, and they're healthy self care. And all of that healthy self expression, which is it's all like actually related to the throat chakra Center, which is obviously where we eat. It's also where we express ourselves. And it's the the Wilson of the volition center. So I'm just beginning in the beginning phases of writing a book about them, and relating it to the will and so and call it out. So it's just kind of up here now. Written a word on a page yet, but it's going to be happening

Mark Laurie:

in your, your profession, how what how do you find success? Like what is the success for you?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

What is success for me?



Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, Success for me is really about being happy and healthy. You know? It's, it used to be my, my old version of success would be oh, I've got a million clients and I'm making a ton of money and everybody knows about me and that for me now. It's not my measure of success. My measure of success is I feel happy. I'm excited about my day. And I feel a well rested and energized and good about myself that success

Mark Laurie:

is cool. And the great failures in your past, something that you came across, I didn't find failure actually, first, let's look at that. How do you define a failure?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Oh, that's a really interesting question. How do I define failure? I don't really know if there is such a thing as failure that but I mean, because, well, when I felt like the one failure that really stands out, in my mind, was when I was in the process of moving my chiropractic practice, from the East Bay, to San Francisco, I was living in San Francisco, but I had gone to chiropractic school in the East Bay. So I set my office up the knees back, I wanted to move to San Francisco, so I wouldn't have to commute over the virgin or plus, I just like San Francisco a lot better than us. So um, so I, I open this satellite office, on Union Street in San Francisco, I sublet from this psychiatrist who had a, and I couldn't make it work that couldn't make it work. I turned out, I ended up at finally able to make it work three years later, different offices Three years later, but that one did not work. And it was an eye. And I was so disappointed. And I can't even tell you. I mean, that's what that's the one failure that that that I still kind of think about, like, Oh, God, you know, why couldn't I make it work, you know, and I realized it was just my I wanted so badly to be in San Francisco that I let my, my judgment kind of went out the window. And I see this a lot with entrepreneur, you know, you can have be this have this pie in the sky idea that's really not grounded in reality. And that's kind of what I do. I'll just move over there. And of course, I had no clients in San Francisco, they were rolling in. I mean, it was just and, and it was done. so badly, to be, you know, there that I that I went forward and of course, didn't work. And then three years later, what happened was this woman I ran into at a chiropractic continuing ed conference was looking for someone to share her office, and she was pregnant, and she needed someone to cover for her while she was on baby leaves, you know. And so I did that. And I ended up really building my practice, because actually, some of her clients ended up coming to me they liked what I did, you know, but it really kinda gave me a leg up. And, and then I became known in the area and and then it's fine. But

Mark Laurie:

yeah, what's the best advice you've received over the years?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

The best advice? Wow, that's a good question. The best advice I know. I guess I guess one of my spiritual teachers, he would always say, allow it to happen. Allow it to happen. So sometimes when we have a lot of a really strong desire for something, and it's too strong. I don't know how to explain this. It's like we have all this energy around it. Yeah, we were obsessed with it, or it actually pushes it away from us. So when we clear the energy when we clear up, because really what's going on is the limiting beliefs are hitting up against the wishful thinking. And that's what creates all this energy and obsession and all this stuff, because part of us wants it and then another part of us is afraid of having it. So so so the energy work around around manifest is kind of a manifesting process, where you release all this energy around around desire and wanting to let go with a woman. We let go of the wanting and you're completely like neutral around it, then it shows up, because there's no energy in you that's actually pushing

Mark Laurie:

it away. The rest of life does it can you imagine a situation in your life that actually either shaped or portrayed your character or something happened and you stepped up in a certain way. And it sort of showed you who you were.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

That makes sense. Oh, question. Probably opening my office. My starting my practice, yeah. Because it was really challenging. And I remember in my family, no one in my family thought I could do it. Right. I went in my family. And I knew they all thought I was going to fail, you know, because none of them had done anything. And my two, you know, my two older brothers just went to college and got jobs. You know, nobody was an entrepreneur, nobody. And, and I did it. And it really, really shaped it really built a really strong foundation in me of, I can do whatever I set my mind to, if it's really meant to happen, I know I will make it happen.

Mark Laurie:

It's gonna be a powerful place to come from is a tool that you can make it happen. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Well, anybody can get into that place. I mean, that's what a lot of my work is about with people is helping them access that level of confidence and self belief. Yeah. Because, because when we get all the limiting beliefs out of the way, and all the programming that says we can't or we shouldn't have it all, our lifeforce energy just goes zoom, you know, and,

Mark Laurie:

you know, yeah. How would you describe a perfect day for you? Oh, well, right now, this is

Dr. Sandra Shur:

the blessing and the curse, right? I get up, I do my yoga, I do my sound, I get up, I have breakfast, I do my yoga, I do my sound healing. I do my exercise, I usually have lunch and I go out for a walk. And then I'll do whatever I feel like genuinely busy. So if I have clients, you know, they'll have clients fit in there. But really, my perfect day is it's like self care, and being out in nature. And that's it. And then I'm trying to fit my business into this. Because I really do enjoy working with clients. I also really value my own time and my own self care. And it's striking that perfect balance is the perfect day. Or the perfect blend. Sounds good.

Mark Laurie:

How do you approach protecting or protecting yourself care? Like how does what is your self care? embodiment work? That's a hard thing for a lot of people to do self care. So how do you approach it?

Dr. Sandra Shur:

How do I approach it? Well, I've gotten into such a habit with it that, um, in the beginning, it was just like, okay, every day I'm going to do yoga, I realized that when I did yoga every day, I slept so much better, I felt so much more grounded, I felt so much more calm. And when I didn't do it. I felt agitated, I didn't sleep well. So that kind of forced me to make it out. And then also with exercise, I really well this is a vanity thing as much as I was getting them includes Ponch and I'm like, I don't want to have a big belly you know, I'm 66 But I don't want to get old I don't want my house to deteriorate. I don't want to you know, let myself go and be dumpy, I was feeling dumpy, I was looking dumpy and I was like I don't want to be dumping. So so I made myself and my husband is also very good, he's very athletic, and he works out. So he's very supportive and encouraging me to do my own workout. So So every day I do 30 minutes of core abdominal work after I do my yoga, and it's just become a habit. I mean, I just do it on autopilot. And if I don't do it, I feel weird. You know, I feel so it's one of those things I mean, you just you first of all you have to feel your desire for the goal. You have to feel desire in the beginning and the importance of it to commit to it and then commit to it and make it a habit and then it's easy. No,


you know,

Mark Laurie:

habits in place. That is it has been delightful Converse conversing with you today. I really enjoyed it, but some really unique took out that's kind of cool. So let's, let's, let's there's, there's there's two important things one is parse In the bio, you'll see all about her and bit more about her background and some links so if what she does interest you go and make a connection, and we're gonna be having watch for the special her are going to be doing a reading and you'll be able to see how this whole thing works. And so watch that as well. For now, thank you so much for your time today. It's been delightful.

Dr. Sandra Shur:

Thank you, Mark. It was scraping here. Thanks for having me.

Mark Laurie:

You're welcome. Find out


this has been fascinating women with Mark Laurie. Join us on our website and subscribe at fascinating women does he a fascinating women has been sponsored by inner spirit photography of Calgary, Alberta and is produced in Calgary by Lee of us and my office media