Fascinating Women

Calli Jensen- Entrepreneur's Enabler - Cancer survivor - Positivity embracer - Visionary

Calli Jensen Season 2 Episode 14

Calli has her vision. She is launching an online services that will lift the economics of women. We talk about the powerful negative forces, cancer, hostile job, the loss of everything, financial and focus rebirth. She had her 70 year old mom move in with her, to help her build this new business. Along the way, she has fought demons, written a best seller. All with an optimistic with a vision. She is a serial entrepreneur, even now she is involved with other businesses.

I think you will enjoy her energy and her story. Have a listen.

Callie talks about her every morning inspiration video that kicks off her day here is the link.
it is called WHEN IT HURTS - Best Motivational Video Speeches by Coach Pain

Calli Jensen, Bio

Calli Jensen is the CEO and founder of our Beauty Squad. She has extensive business experience both in sales and owning and running respective fashion and beauty businesses for many years. she has also taught people globally how to run profitable businesses in the fashion and beauty industry very successfully. Today Calli is focused on giving back to the community by assisting beauty, fashion and health and wellness business owners to create more for themselves by having access to her wealth of experience knowledge, and hands-on expertise when it comes to making their business profitable long term. Calli has chosen to do so by developing the online platform called Our Beauty Squad Inc.
Contact her or learn more:
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ourbeautysquad/?ref=share
Burrard Queen Boat Event Space burrardqueensales@gmail.com

About Mark Laurie - Host.
Mark has been transforming how women see themselves, enlarging their sense of sexy, expanding their confidence in an exciting adventure that is transformational photography. His photo studio is inner Spirit Photography. 

Sound Production by:
Lee Ellis  - myofficemedia@gmail.com


You're listening to fascinating women with Mark Laurie. And now, Mark Laurie.

Mark Laurie:

Hello, everyone, it's Mark Laurie here from the fascinating women podcast. Usually I'm in behind the camera photographing incredible women for inner spirit photography. But I get such amazing people that come through my door. And I think I should share these amazing people with the world. And so that's what we're doing today. And today, I have got Kelly Jensen. No, Kelly has the young and tender two year old gray kind of shows up here. But she has accomplished so much. She is a fierce business woman, her current program that she's developing, which has got bigger investment role than I realized, I think that she does, she explained it to me, is our beauty squad. I got that. Right, right. That's right. And how it came about, and the different reasons for coming there. And her background is just truly fascinating. And so welcome.

Calli Jensen:

Thank you so much for having me on your show. I'm really looking forward to having this conversation with you today.

Mark Laurie:

It's gonna be fun We've know ourselvs.. We've known each other for several years now. And every time I think every time I bump into you catch up like, well, aren't you doing this last thing you got catch up, like so last year. Other kinds of stuff. So tell us a little bit about your, your, your latest venture your beauty squad?

Calli Jensen:

Well, I guess I should start back at the beginning a little bit about myself. You know, I come from venture to actually traditional business, I used to be a receptionist actually, to be honest. Go figure. You know, I've done so many things since then. But, you know, I've had a couple, majorly defining moments in my career where, you know, it made me not ever want to work for somebody else again. And, you know, one of the biggest things was I was working for a job where I got really, really sick, and it was a very, very toxic environment, and I ended up with cancer. Okay, breast cancer and cervical cancer in 2009. And I went through quite a few different treatments and therapies back and forth. And you know, that that moment, actually, you know, when I walked back into work in my, my work, my my employer threatened to fire me if I didn't show up to work after having my cancer treatment pretty much defined my moment and I never worked for anybody else again. So, you know,

Mark Laurie:

if you have any, like, that's a steel backbone. One where you sit back is this I don't need, but was there stages that kind of prepared you to take that step because a lot of people get that same thing, but they don't make the leap to private enterprise? Well,

Calli Jensen:

I opened up my first company when I was 16 years old, Incorporated my first company, and I was cleaning fish tanks and breeding reptiles to believe it or not. I looked into how to how to open up my first company, I incorporated at 16 years old and I used to go around and clean fish tanks. So I kinda was already an entrepreneur. You know, my mom was always an entrepreneur working like three to five jobs just to make sure we always had a roof over our head. So you know, I was always I was I always had the option to or entrepreneur blood in my veins. And you know, that's the one thing like the major values that I got from my mom, and I'm so grateful for her today. She's still she's still a hustler. She's still doing multiple things, you know, we work together side by side. And, you know, it's been really great to learn from her. Like, she raised me as a single mom. So you know that her tenacious drive is what has fueled me today? definitely feel today. Yeah,

Mark Laurie:

I get amazed how many of the people I interview turned out to be the product of single moms fierce, single moms. So going back to your childhood, what kind of things would be like the first thing that that serves suggested you're dropping or that you started, you did something that wasn't normal or something that you just start to look at the world differently?

Calli Jensen:

Well, I think the biggest thing for me, like when I had quit my job working at the, at the, at the previous employer that I was speaking of, I went in headfirst and bought a clothing store. I had no clue what I was doing. I never owned a business. I never owned a brick or mortar brick and mortar store before, but I always wanted to be in the fashion industry and I wanted to, you know, be in the beauty and fashion and you know, help women feel beautiful. So I, you know, leapt in headfirst and opened up a clothing store.

Mark Laurie:

How old are you at this point?

Calli Jensen:

I was about 21 maybe 21? Okay. 21 . . . 22 years old, I would say about that.

Mark Laurie:

That's it. That's a tender age. Like that's, that's a that's a moment where you're fearless. Like, I think when you're 20 years old, I think that's your most fearless state of life.

Calli Jensen:

At that moment, I was like, You know what, I'm never going to work for somebody else again. I'm never gonna let anybody define what I'm worth. And I'm gonna fight for myself and you know, figure it out. And you know, it was a, it was really great. You know, I've really loved working for myself, I could take my puppy and with my clothing store every day, you know, it was really awesome to be able to do that. But you know, one of the biggest things that changed my life is I actually hired an assistant on my clothing store, and she was a single mom with five kids. And, you know, I was really, I really just wanted to, like, I'm a giver, I want to help people, I want to elevate them any way that I possibly can. And, you know, I had her work with me. And when I was actually going to court to take my boss that had threatened to fire me because I was sick. Actually, I got a settlement. And the problem that I had is a lot of people you know, they hear certain things, and then they they act on them. And what had happened was I ended up having her set me up, she set me up, and I had a home invasion and my car was stolen. I was tied up and raised. This was the former boss.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah, this redefines toxic.

Calli Jensen:

Yeah. So like, you know, great when you think that you're gonna get ahead in life, and you you try to make a change for yourself, something comes up and slaps you in the face. And, you know, to me, it was it really defined me in the fact that, you know, first of all, I didn't have anybody here to help me in that situation, I lost my home, I lost my clothing store, I lost my my sense of self, you know, I was a victim, I, you know, I was tied up, like, there was so many bad things that had happened. I literally left Vancouver, I gave the keys up to my condo that I owned back to the bank. And I left Vancouver to change my life. And, you know, it was, it was the biggest thing that I had ever done. I had never been to Toronto, I drove across the country by myself, with my dog crying the whole time bawling my eyes out. I didn't even know what where I was, what I was doing, where I was going. But you know, it was a hardest decision that I had ever made. I was so caught up in the fact that I owned my own business and owned my own home, that I was holding on to something that was slowly killing me inside. You know, it's an it's an ego thing. It totally is. It's an ego thing. It's an entitlement. And, you know, I was, I was fighting the fact that, you know, I was holding on to this, this these material things that really didn't matter. They didn't you know, me owning a condo is not going to get me further ahead in life. It Yes, it is. But in the circumstance that I was in as a victim, and just made things much worse, I had to let things go in order to become the person that I am today.

Mark Laurie:

That's a I mean, two things are happening. I mean, one is is the universe, sort of saying you're gonna change your life seriously. And we've had a couple of clients who, who they, they had small nudges. And then finally, it's like, the universe goes, Okay, so you need a really big nudge. And so on the one hand, it's like the most devastating thing that anyone you can imagine to try and work through. You know, on the on the flip side, it's you come out of it with this, you know, bigger appreciation and bigger opportunity.

Calli Jensen:

Yeah, it's very difficult. Like, for seven years, I didn't even know who I was anymore. Like, I'm such a tenacious person, I have so much drive, and I'm so happy all the time. And, you know, when I went to Toronto, I was in complete depression. And, you know, I'm so grateful for my partner and Neil, because, you know, at the time, we were just friends, and we drove all the way up, I drove all the way across the country to move there with him. And I didn't even know anyone in Toronto. And you know, it was a very scary time, like, in three times in one month, I drove from Vancouver to Toronto and back to bring my stuff.

Mark Laurie:

That's, I knew that's unique. Like, that's a whole. That's great. That's a long drive. What were you thinking about? Like, were you making plans? Or was it just like a numb thing?

Calli Jensen:

Yeah, you know, I was numb inside, you know, like, I cried almost the whole time. I was like, I don't know where I'm going. I don't know how I'm going to survive. I don't know what's going to happen when I get there. Are we going to, you know, am I going to be able to find a job? Am I going to be able to, you know, get through this. Like when when you have somebody take your power away. It's very, very difficult to get it out of your head and get it back. It really is. It's, it's a big, defining moment. And, you know, I look back at it now. And I'm actually grateful that it happened because I never would become the person that I am today. And that's crazy. like nobody wishes anybody to be like tied up and abused and things like that. But it defined who I am today, and now I can share my story and empower other people that whatever they're going through that they can get through it as well.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah, absolutely. What we're about with this is is sharing the stories that people can look at and go Oh, so you did that. I can probably do that too. I just think stories are a massive Tommy has been there before. You get the sense that they've been there, she did that she prospered. She grew this, whatever I'm going through now is temporary. I will come out of it, and it will I have the I have the ability big to make it better.

Calli Jensen:

Definitely, definitely. And things drastically changed when I went to Toronto, you know, it was, it was an amazing experience. I, you know, I got to share my story in a book, I'm a best selling author.

Mark Laurie:

Oh, what's the name of the book?

Calli Jensen:

the book is called empowering women to succeed, right? And it's on Amazon, so you can find it on Amazon. And, you know, I actually got to work in this amazing company as well. And that's how we actually met. I was in Calgary. So you know, we became part of a company, a global network marketing company. I'll keep I'll keep the names out of it just for you know, for time sake. But we became a best we can't we became leaders in that company actually. And, you know, got to speak on stages. I got to be able to speak on stage, which was my biggest fear was public speaking, the biggest fear that I ever had in the world is spiders and public speaking. And I got one of them handled, okay, don't let me see spider

Mark Laurie:

walk up on stage and seeing the spider God. Okay, so here I am.

Calli Jensen:

Yeah, well, the very first time I ever got up on stage I ran in threw up, but you know, you get over those fears. And you get, you know, once you start speaking your truth, and you know, and speaking from the heart, all of the fears go away, which is

Mark Laurie:

it's a national park, as I recall, your your credit Rockstar, where you climbed up in that company, it was it was really,

Calli Jensen:

you know, we accomplished a lot. And you know, it, in five years, we had about 5000 people on our team and did like, around 2.5 million in sales. So it's, it's, you know, from going from losing everything within three to five years accomplishing all of that. And, you know, it's just been, it's been a blessing because I learned all my skills that have helped me form this new company that I've created. And it's just, I look back, like, I have goosebumps right now, because of the fact that all of those experiences and everything that I had went through, made me become this person that I am today. And I'm just like, so grateful for the future. I really am. Things are just rocking right now I'm so so blessed.

Mark Laurie:

Is there any climate code faster, any codes that sort of mantras that that you

Calli Jensen:

I don't really, I can't really pinpoint one particular quote, but there's a video that I watch every single morning on YouTube, and I can post the link in here for you as well. Never give up. And I listened. I listened to this every single morning, before I go to, before I get ready for the day. When I'm when I'm like feeling down and out. I literally listen to this every single morning. And it's kind of like my, my thing to get going get going every day if I'm feeling bad. Or if I'm feeling depressed or anything. Like I just put this thing on repeat all day long. And it just literally gets me unstuck. It honestly, like, I've sent it to so many people in the past two weeks that I've been feeling down or like feeling depressed with all of the new announcement and the pandemic and everything that's been going on. And, you know, this is one of the things that I listened to every day. And I highly recommend if anybody's watching this, and if you're having a bad day. Or if you're feeling down and out and you're not really sure what to do watch this video, which is called never give up. It's amazing.

Mark Laurie:

They will be in the notes so people will know what kind of get into lots. That's amazing how you your mum was integral to going back to your childhood a bit. did how did she shape you because you're you're like, she clearly is a role model for you.

Calli Jensen:

Definitely. She's She's my biggest role model, you know, and the thing about it is, is last year actually went right before the pandemic had hit, I actually decided to move my mom home to Vancouver with me. And I actually opened up a salon for us. So we had a salon in our house two rooms, and we had about five or six girls that we were all working with. And you know, I wanted to do something where you know, we can work together in a business and you know, kind of build our retirement together. And you know, it's nice to have her close by because she's been gone. She's been gone to Alberta, she moved away in 2004. And I was in Toronto for eight years. So we were always so far apart. We only got to see or maybe once a year or once every two years and you know, I just I just got homesick and I'm like You know what, I need to bring mom home with me. We need to figure this out together. You know, it's always just been me and her and I think that you know having her close by and having her as my biggest supporter is really really shaped me. It's really changed because you know, we feel closer than we ever have before. Working together, she's my number one fan when it comes to the beauty squad and everything that I'm creating, and I kind of did this for her to make sure that I could make sure that, you know, she's set up for her retirement as well.

Mark Laurie:

Ya know, I remember that's been a theme that's been close to heart, as long as I've known you. So, with having a parent nearby, and especially this kind of working with you, how do you separate some of the personal things, the business things because there are times in business have to make hard decisions? And then there's opposing thoughts. How do you guys manage that?

Calli Jensen:

The biggest thing is, especially with business, my mom, she supports me with any decision that I make. She doesn't really, really quite grasp what I'm creating yet because she's old school. Yeah. But she, she's there for me, she sees how hard I'm working as well, you know, like she, she really, she doesn't understand it, but she supports it. And, you know, she's, she's been one of my biggest investors in this business as well, that we're creating. And, you know, it's, it's just been awesome. It's been awesome having her here with me, you know,

Mark Laurie:

I appreciate what you're saying Jan's dad, my wife's dad died. He was born in 1914. He's passed away. He was 19 when he passed away. But he didn't grasp what I did, which is for Rafi women. And jack was man, you're amazing photographer, by the way to come do a photo shoot. We should plant something on your code will or there will be a right to do that. So anyways, jack was a mechanic. And in his world, you push the lever, it moved a rod up the spring, and it's open. And if it didn't open, you could simply see where the rod is broken, because there's like five elements. So he's looking at his computer, and he kind of goes like, so you do some weapons? How do you know it does up there? Because some of you say, Well, if it doesn't appear, then how do you know what's wrong? So while there's, it's complicated, it's just like freakin magic market. But again, that leap of faith for someone who loves you, and they really don't know what you're doing. They have a sense that what you're doing is awesome, though. And, and, and they're along for the ride. And I always thought that was so forward thinking because so many seniors are, like stuck in their in their old school ways. Yeah. And they, jack really couldn't I mean, what we're doing is and here's a man and this is always impressed me with jack. Can you imagine being alive to see stables turned into garages. Like, like, that's a massive, that to me, that's like when if I'm around, and the garage is turned into hovercraft, places where the graduates turn into launch pads for space like that. It's that massive that he would ride his horse past the, the, the Indian things and the, the the soldiers. And then he was driving his dad's truck, I just, I just took such a leap. So, so admire, admire your mum's vision of who you are. Because I mean, that's the whole course of it is that she has to have such a deep core belief of your abilities and who you are and your vision that even if she doesn't understand, and that's what a leader is, isn't it? Like a leader sees this huge vision and they can share it to people who don't have the ability to create the same vision. But they but you've created an ability for them to believe in you, and that your vision is going to happen.

Calli Jensen:

It's gonna happen. I want to make sure I'm so tenacious when it comes to building this thing. Like, I don't know how it's gonna happen. But I know that I'm definitely not giving up. You know, we've had some hurdles. You know, there's always with technology, there's always a few issues. But you know, I, you know, that's the one thing is having her as support has been the thing that's kept me going as well. Not only that, but she's my reason why. Yeah, you know, if you don't have a reason why that makes you cry, go buy the new one.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah. So tenacity is one of your closely held skills or viewpoints or talents, one or two more, that you sit back and say, I'm, I'm successful. I'm who I am because of these two more core elements to personnel,

Calli Jensen:

really safe mindset and positivity. Okay, mindset is a really big one, because like, everybody has an off day, right? You know, it, whatever you're going through, if you can break through it, you can keep going. Eventually, you're gonna get there. Yep. And that's the biggest thing like, I've been building this business for over a year. And you had some website glitches. So I literally stopped it in its tracks. I said, Listen, until I can get this going. exactly the way I say it is, I'm just going to stop you guys. Everybody can stay a part of the program. And we can still keep continuing to build the community but until I'm satisfied and until I can guarantee what I've delivered, is what I say I'm gonna deliver. I'm just gonna stop and I'm gonna keep going. I'm gonna find a way Gotta find a way to make it better, I'm going to find a way to improve it, I'm going to find a way to make make help everybody make more money. And I'm at that point now where I've done that. Now we're in the building phase again, we're in phase two, phase two of getting this thing done, and I'm ready. I'm so ready for this ride.

Mark Laurie:

been reading two books recently one's called Who Moved My Cheese, by Johnson, but the second one's come out post humously called out of the maze. And so the Who Moved My Cheese is basically what happened with you with your with your first experience. And suddenly all these resources are gone. And then one guy says why I wanted to come back and then a guy says, Well, I'm gonna find it. Now the maze is like this. This maze thing isn't working. We're gonna go through this wall, which is cool. I'm gonna go back to your boat. I had no idea you had a party boat. So I'm curious how that came about. And and how you if I had never thought of a party, but I guess I'm in landlocked Alberta.

Calli Jensen:

There's no, there's no party boats over there. You got to come over this way to have some fun. Maybe you can go to like Sylvan lake or something. But that's my idea of a party boat. Well, actually, it's funny, because I'm such a big networker at heart. While we were in Toronto, we met a gentleman named mirage. We actually were going to rent a table at some of his events and talk about our products, our passion and our health care products and things like that. And about two years ago, we got invited to a grand opening for a boat here in Vancouver. I had no idea what I was going to say in February, you know, it was pissing rain. It was cold. It's Vancouver in the winter, you know, nothing. Is is bright and sunny over. And we ended up on this boat. And long story short, it was Raj, the gentleman that we met in Toronto, right, he has moved to Vancouver and bought this boat. And you know, it's funny because he actually owns five big party boats in Toronto, the biggest boat holds 500 people if you could win.

Mark Laurie:

My mind really with this? It's really fascinating.

Calli Jensen:

And well, I come I come from a promoter, promoter background, I used to work in nightclubs and you know, different things I used to run Ladies Night, we used to manage male entertainers and have like the champagne and the limos and everything come to the nightclub. And he's like, Do you know anybody that would want to throw any parties on this boat? Well, I'm back in Vancouver. I know, every single person in this city. Let me Oh, every single DJ, every promoter that I know. And here we are. This is our second year operating. You know, with COVID we did work last summer, we were able to do about six parties before we got shut down because of COVID. And, you know, we started back up again this year. As soon as the announcements came out, you know, we started out with a very small capacity of 50 people. And now we're doing events up to 150 people. And there's like four events this long weekend coming up back to back. So it's gonna be a pretty interesting time. We do weddings, and a bunch of different like music videos and things like that on a boat as well. But it's been a it's been a pretty fun ride. I wouldn't. You know, things have changed now with the new rules, but I can still book parties. I just won't be on them. It's been fun. It's been really fun. You know, and my mom, believe it or not my mom all last summer was my bartender for the parties. And she's so fun!

Mark Laurie:

like, can I ask, roughly, they're not precise, necessarily, but just a very vauge age amongst 72 - 72 I just thought that it's

Calli Jensen:

I don't even keep up with her to be honest with you. Like she has more energy than me. She out dances me and all my friends.

Mark Laurie:

I've discovered a whole new client level of clients are in their 70s Yeah, they're doing nudes are doing body painting and and they're, they're up in the mountains hiking like this. She we did a photograph of her back where we found a piece of land to do nudes on and we guarded against this whole tree and she's got this powerful back that has ripples of muscles and she just turned some I think she's 71 now it's incredible. Yeah, that's right. So yeah. motors a day just Is it a partnership thing are you just sort of handled getting people on the boat.

Calli Jensen:

I'm the sales manager for the company. So and then I also work with the limo company as well. So I arranged all the limos, to the boat. to and from so everybody can be there safe and not drink and drive.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah, you really thought things through like that's one of the things that I admire about you is that you are sharp business person with a vision. I see you've got this massive heart like like it seems everything I've seen you do has been a venue to elevate people. Yes. I was thinking back when your first employee was a single mom with a couple of kids and the project you're building now is a way for them to grow. Like other people who single moms who need extra cash, and if it's a tight adaptable kind of world for, Where'd that come from? Where'd you get that from?

Calli Jensen:

It wasn't, it must be my network marketing background. Because you know, the only way to elevate yourself is by lifting other people. Yep. And you know that, between that and my mom used to also be a caregiver as well. So she always cared about everybody else before herself. And I think that's where I get it from. I think the only way that you're going to get further in life is by bringing people with you. Yes, you can't go out it alone.

Mark Laurie:

I'm connected to outfit called BNI. And that's their whole tenant is, you know, the other one is interesting quote comes from jvology, Jay Fiset. And their premise is, you know, everything's done jointly, like, let's get together and get involved yet, but has a phrase, it's kind of cool. It's like, we should do something together. I'll go first, I'll go and thas is such a bold thing to do. But that's my like, one of the things I enjoy so much about you is, is this heart that, like when you said, your other character, things, like heart should be in there first, because that's like one of your drivers.

Calli Jensen:

Yeah, it's, it is true, it is true, but there was too many to think about. So I was like, Huh, like, I think the biggest thing is, my drive inspires others. You know, like, it really does. Like, even when I'm having a bad day, or I'm feeling off, like, I always try to, like, post something positive. And, you know, people always, like, people always come back and reciprocate that positivity to me as well. Especially if I'm having an off day, you know, we can't always be on there's always, you know, you have your downtime as well. And it's been really difficult. Like, it's been really difficult. I've had so many setbacks with building this big community, that, you know, I almost gave up I on honestly, a few times, I almost kicked, kicked it in. And I was like, you know, I can't do this, I can't be an inspiration for all these people. Like, everybody's, like, counting on me. And I feel like I'm gonna let them down. And, you know, I found this video, never give up. And this week, I've been on fire literally, like, every morning, I listened to it while I'm getting ready for the day. And, you know, it literally just puts me into massive action. And, you know, I was literally I don't know, like I was, even this past couple weeks, like I had my fundraiser I was supposed to do on my boat to raise money to finish our project, our beauty squad project, and then the new rules came out and I had to cancel it again. The second time, I've cancelled this fundraiser and crowdfunding event to finish this community project. And, you know, I was like, Okay, well, do I give up? Or do I just keep going and figure out another way. So I went into massive action and started building my business plan. I build three compensation plans for customers, for businesses, and for customers, just to support businesses as well. I'm out of don't, it's just insane. Like I even did all of my, all of my presentations, slideshows, and everything and getting everything ready for investors and, you know, angel investors and different things like that. And I just, either I could have gone and gotten depressed and curled under a little blanket, or just keep going to massive action, and this videos kind of helped me get through it.

Mark Laurie:

Yeah. Is that so powerful? It's, it's in I've encountered phrases from people and one person has told me that and I actually have a couple folks, but they're saying that obstacles are a way to determine how badly you want this. So if you let an obstacle stop you, it's like, Well, okay, you know, we're testing us as the universe and whoever you can run with. And if this is really important to you, you'll find a way through this, but it's not easy.

Calli Jensen:

The other thing too, that's really helped me get through it is I've I've taken a couple courses with landmark education. I don't know if you've ever heard of them. When I was in Toronto, and I was dealing with them the major victim mentality, I actually put myself through landmark twice. I was like, okay, all this garbage and junk is filling up, I'm starting to become a victim again, let me go back now. And the second time that I had gone back really changed me you know, like, it's nice to be able to see what what you what in your head is holding you back and how to get through it as well. I think a lot of the times when when, when we are doing something significant, the fewer factor and your your mind sabotages you and put you right back into the comfortable position. And you know, unless you realize that and see that, hey, you're it's you're all in your head that your mind is what's holding you back and you try to push through it and break through it. That's where you truly live in your power. That's where you truly truly live in your power, when you can say to the voice in your head? No, I'm not listening to you today, I'm just going to keep going no matter what, that's the biggest thing.

Mark Laurie:

That's a personal power stages, you've got it, that people can kind of point the way or support you. But in the end, you've got to dig down deep and believe in yourself. Yeah, well, the thing about it is is

Calli Jensen:

it you have you have to believe in yourself first before you can, you can portray that into others. Like, if you don't have the confidence and self confidence in yourself, and you don't have the correct mindset, how can you support and, and be there for others? You know, clean up what's going on in here first? Sure.

Mark Laurie:

If that's not having the vision is also important, just part of who you are, as part of getting there that you feel that you're worthy enough to accomplish this vision. I remember a story where this architect, he did amazing things, he was one of the boldest one of the crowd of the craft. And he was dying. And this report came in interview, and he said, so what's your biggest regret? Oh, he says my biggest regret was, I mean, this is the man who would thought bigger than anybody else in the planet at the time, he says, I just thought so small, I should have thought bigger guy goes, oh my god.

Calli Jensen:

It's actually very scary. Because like, when when I close my salon, we just had like five women all working together, and we were referring to other customers. And then now it's turned into a global company. I don't know how I don't know how it's gonna happen. But I know that I'm pushing forward every day to make it happen. You know, you as long as you take that next step, and that next step, and that next step, and the next step, then, you know, you're, you're telling the universe that you are worthy of this,

Mark Laurie:

you are worthy. And that's what that's the thing, like what he just said the step, a lot of people get, they halt in their tracks by looking too much at the big picture. And they're trying, so

Calli Jensen:

scared sometimes, like, freaky, it's scary to know, the fact that like, one person could create a global company with a vision in their head, and it scares me every day, I need like a hole. To help me with this, this is not something that you just build on your own, like you need, you know, any successful big network marketing company. This isn't a network marketing company, but it's a very similar model. But anybody, you know, any successful big network marketing company that's gone global how to have a whole team of advisors. Yeah. And it's just me. I, you know, I eventually we'll get there where we have, you know, a team of people working with us, but, you know, once it, once it's built, they will come in what I mean,

Mark Laurie:

they'll show up most of the things that, again, they'll look back to be and I think that was what one guy built out of necessity, because he was one of our clients. And so we started this time, a small company, people said, You're nuts, cuz you're a parent. And now now, it just, they just looked at the numbers, they did like $16 billion. Consistent saying, but that's where it starts, and you get an idea. And vision of you will have what it is going to be. And I believe there's a point that comes where people are waiting for them to help you at a deeper fashion. To help as you can you draw, I've seen the people that you draw around you, you don't draw flakes by any means, you know, there's, you know, the people who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and support you like you, you create an incredible, or we can do this?

Calli Jensen:

Yes, yes. That's the biggest thing is, you know, that's the whole purpose. And the reason why I created the beauty squad. Do you mind if I touch a little bit about what it is? Please do please do. So. The beauty squad is the largest online beauty and health directory in the world. And we have a special button just for you to put your photography as well. So my course, I kind of took the idea of skip the dishes along with Facebook and made a baby. So it's a beauty and health directory, which is a global company and you can literally look on your phone, look at people's before and after pictures and book an appointment, you can put put your reviews down and you can actually refer friends. So I set up a program where customers can actually earn full time income, just by referring the friends and family to get services done. So they don't actually have to own a business. It can be a single mom at home, taking care of the family. But they actually earn anywhere from five to $10 every time they send a friend to go get lashes or nails or massage or acupuncture or fitness training or anything like that. So customers make money by referring their friends and family. businesses make money by referring customers, right this is make money by referring businesses and customers make money by getting their favorite Salon and Spa on board as well. So it's a cycle. It's like it's a it's a circle that I've created where everybody has to support everything. But that's the only way. The only way if you didn't, you can just be a customer and just book a haircut if you'd like. But there's an equal, there's an equal opportunity, if you're going to talk about your favorite hairdresser, why not refer your friends and actually make a little side income.

Mark Laurie:

So actually, these the housewives and so on can have a business referral business like their, you know, their, their products and all that kind stuff their their businesses looking for referrals.

Calli Jensen:

Correct. And the best part about it is, they don't have to spend it on getting like, we I've set up a, it's called a beauty bank. So you actually have, you'll see all your money adding up in the back office there. And you can we partner with visa, so you can actually load it onto your own credit card, you can go and you know, pay for your kids, school supplies, you can do whatever you want, I don't care what you do with the money, we're thankful for the referral, you can do whatever you'd like. You can go to the bank machine and take it out, you can put gas in your car, you can go get groceries. And the cool part about it. If you want to save it up and take a course we have two schools that are part of the beauty squad as well. So you can actually learn how to run your own business from home, as well. And we teach you about tax savings, we teach you how to start your own business properly, how to, you know, register your business with the government, how to incorporate your company, whatever it is, it's not just a referral business. This is also support teaching you how to market your business properly online and social media. It's about education as well. And that's the best thing I love about it. We're not just like referring nails and hair, we're actually teaching women and men how to work from home and create a sustainable income, which is nice, because we don't have to rely on the big box stores. We're literally supporting all small businesses in in Canada and us like it's going to be global eventually. But right now we're focused on North America.

Mark Laurie:

And that's the lifeblood of the community. The box stores make things kind of cheap, but the community thrives because that's where people get their income of it. So it's kind of a new business model. Like it's, I've not heard of something put together quite like this.

Calli Jensen:

It's never been done before industry, I'm literally changing the game. I am loving it.

Mark Laurie:

Yes, Game Changer stuff. That's, that's what has been interesting, in, in this era of human development is a number of things that happen, that are emerging, the technology that was allowed to have

Calli Jensen:

it even like three years ago, nobody three to five years ago, nobody even knew what skip the dishes or Uber Eats was, you know, in Vancouver, they just got Uber like recently, you know, like, it's been what a year or two. So, you know, it's, it's, this is literally gonna be the next biggest company. And that's why right off the gate, I called it the world's largest online beauty directory, because I know, referral programs. It's a it's a it's a it's a no brainer. Yeah. You know, every everybody wins. And you know, and that's great. That's the one thing I love about it is even the Surrey Board of Trade, which is the largest Board of Trade in all of Canada, they have over 3000 members, she's also supporting us as well. So we can actually, any of the small businesses that sign up salons and spas, they can also become a member of the Surrey Board of Trade, which is amazing. You know, elevate all small businesses, even moms that work from home and do lashes, part time, spare time while their kids are napping, we want to support everybody in the community. And that's why I created this project. It's not really about me anymore. It It wasn't about me at all, like, you know, it's never been about me, it's about how can I support everybody else because I can't even work on clients or sitting in my in my eyebrow studio, and I can't even work on clients because of my neck injury. I want to refer everybody else. That's the whole point of it.

Mark Laurie:

Well, what you've done is, as I listen to you, tack, you've taken us a problem that you want to solve which is like working home with your mom dealing with with an injury that limits what you can do. And you've recognized that, that you're not alone, there's a whole bunch of other people that have the same thing. And you create a model for yourself that fits everybody else at the same time. Exactly. And so you're kind of replicating both what your need is and how to solve it with a more diverse skill. So I I just think it's brilliant. I just love nature when

Calli Jensen:

I first moved back here I had the worst time trying to find a good nail salon literally it took me five times before I was able to find a nail salon that something nice like this right? Yeah, so then you know we need this is something that we need in the industry and health industry there's nothing like this in the health industry either where we can look and see ratings for the best acupuncture and literally or you know, look at their before and after photos or whatever and book an appointment like right there on the spot. Yes, nothing like that out there.

Mark Laurie:

That's really, really, I love it. Love it. Hmm. What would be your best day you wake up and from start to finish?

Calli Jensen:

Well, the best thing would be waking up at no pain. I think my best day would be, I wake up, usually around seven o'clock in the morning, I listen to my video, while I'm getting ready every single day, never give up. And then I just, I go out, go into all out massive action, the night before, I usually write a list of things that I need to accomplish the next day. And then I just start going through the list. I sit, the majority of the time I'm sitting here in front of my desk, in front of my computer, reaching out to people that are part of the community I started going through, there's 1200 members in our group in Facebook currently, and half of them I don't know. So I literally started from the top and just I'm connecting with each person asking what they do, sharing about the beauty squad and the vision and the future and ask how I can support them in their business. And that's my day. Unless I'm downtown and have both parties, which is mostly on the weekend. Which is my last weekend coming up. So my full, my full. Every sense of my being right now is telling me to focus on the beauty squad. Like, every time I do something else other than that everything brings me back here the universe keeps telling me No, this is your baby. This is what you're meant to do. This is why you're on this planet and stop getting distracted by shiny pennies and just focus. Focus on what's gonna literally set you free. And you know, the what's running through your veins, because this is my baby. Nobody can tell me how to run my company. Nobody can tell me that this is not correct. Nobody, you know, nobody tells me what I'm worth. Nobody can cut my income off. No, you know what I mean? Like, it's a nice sense of freedom to know that I'm creating something that's literally going to change people's lives. And nobody can tell me No. It's the best feeling in the world.

Mark Laurie:

I mean, I'm in the same boat for 41 years, I really grasp what you're saying. Now, is this type of intrapreneurship. Is that something that everybody is capable of doing? Or is it a mindset that some people always be an employee and some people can, can make a leap to self sufficiency.

Calli Jensen:

I think if you find the right mentor, anything's possible. I think you know what the way that the world is going right now, I would not rely on your job because you don't know if you're going to have it tomorrow. And I always would recommend to start something, you know, you never get ahead unless you start. That's the thing, you can't get ahead unless you actually start. You know, and you know, it's gonna be scary, you know, I'm not gonna say I'm not saying quit your job, I'm saying find something to do and find something to learn that you can replace your job, place your income, and make sure you have a bit of a buffer. Always make sure you have like a six month buffer.

Mark Laurie:

But most people fail. Like that's one thing I see in photographers and other businesses is that they're really not ready for the law of the change over as they shift into it.

Calli Jensen:

I've failed multiple times, I'm quitting multiple businesses. I've quit I've even quit on myself. You know what I mean? Like I rather than, you know, taking things head on, it's flight or flee, right? Like, that's what you usually do you usually instead of dealing with this problem head on, you block it out and run. Yeah, that's, that's what's in our human nature. It's, it's in your human nature, it's in your DNA to play it safe. Yeah, it always is. It always has been and you know, if you see a cougar, what are you gonna do, you're not gonna run up to it, you're gonna run away, right? So unless you're gonna like run up to it and punch it in the head and take it head on. You always find the safe route. Right and that's the thing is I the thing that the biggest thing that would define me as I'm not listening to this head anymore, I'm not listening to that little voice in my head. I'm just literally just, I don't know how I'm gonna get there. I don't know how this company is going to be built. I don't know where the funding is coming from. But I'm, I'm determined to to make an impact in this world. This is a legacy that I'm gonna leave for my family. The family I don't have yet but I'm working on that to

Mark Laurie:

get the family so I can get this. I love that that his family will come later. That's great. This has been I could just talk to you for hours. It's been an amazing conversation. Thank you so much for your time today.

Calli Jensen:

I appreciate I really honestly appreciate being here and I wanted to thank you for reaching out to me. You know, I've really always wanted to work with you mark. I think your your photography and the body painting and everything that you do is incredible. And I think you know, I still have some insecurities when it comes to myself as well. It may not show On the outside, but obviously every woman deals with it, especially after everything that I've been through. So I would really like to be a part of, of your vision as well, like I really want to get body painted and kind of break through of that, that that feeling that I have that I'm not good enough. You know, like, it's not easy. It's not easy. Like after being through through everything that I had been through, you know, you have all these these things that come up in your head about yourself. Yeah, I think being able to, you know, do do the body painting experience and kind of just break through that that would be final. I think that would be the defining moment. For me,

Mark Laurie:

thank you so much, that it's one thing that I really want to point out, and that someone presses me with you is that be involved enough to say that you still got tech issues where you think you're not good enough. you're accomplishing something that most people go out, that's just too big of a dream. And you've got this, this paradigm, you got this part here that crops up every now and then says, I'm just not worried? Am I good enough? This part says we're gonna accomplish this. And I think that's the reason we're doing fascinating women is to showcase to people that yes, you may have those feelings. They're incorrect. Because you are, every woman is worthy, every person is worthy. But you can still have that and still accomplish incredible things.

Calli Jensen:

Well, you know, if it wasn't honest, then I wouldn't be real. And that's the thing, right? Like, everybody, everybody has those emotions inside. But you know, for me to be able to share it, and you know, inspire other people saying, you know, hey, this is me Take it or leave it, right. Like, everybody's going through things, but it's what you do with those things that define you.

Mark Laurie:

That makes the biggest difference. On that note, we'll wrap it up. Thank you so much for joining me, everyone. This has been Kelly Jensen of our beauty squad, her latest invention, which is really kind of cool. If you'd like to be involved. If you'd like to know more about it. There's gonna be notes, links, all sorts of stuff in our little note section down there. It is worth peeking into it. It's really a powerful future. And you can Sarah say you're on the ground floor. So thank you so much for joining us. And thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure. Thank you.


This has been fascinating women with Mark Laurie. Join us on our website and subscribe at fascinating women dossier fascinating women has been sponsored by inner spirit photography of Calgary, Alberta and is produced in Calgary by Lila's and my office media.